Rethinking Habits and Routines

Social media has begun pushing the idea that morning routines are aesthetic and always productive. There is a pressure to compare what our mornings look like to the choreographed ways of influencers.

What if rather than striving for a perfect morning routine, we began to focus on habits that can be practised anywhere in the world? Would the implementation of habits over routines alleviate some of the stress of feeling as though there is a looming checklist waiting to be completed? Forming habits does not happen overnight. In fact, waiting for habits to become automatic can take months. Let’s not be so consumed by the All-or-Nothing mentality.

So, what are some manageable changes you can make no matter where you are?

1. Making your bed.
This habit sets the tone for the day, and promotes a sense of order and accomplishment. It also creates a comfortable, inviting living environment.

2. Reading before bed.
Reading provides an opportunity to relax, promotes better sleep, stimulates the mind, broadens perspectives, and cultivates mindfulness. It’s important to choose reading material that is enjoyable and suits your interests.

3. Putting your phone/computer away before bed.
This shift will allow you to establish boundaries with technology, promote healthy sleep patterns, minimize stress, and prioritize self-care. It will also reduce your blue light exposure. By creating a bedtime routine that involves disconnecting from screens, you can support your mental well-being and improve your overall quality of life.

4. Enjoying your morning coffee/tea/water.
Having time in the morning to sit with yourself, quietly, will allow you to connect with your emotions, thoughts, and overall perspective. Taking the time to disconnect, listen to your body, and enjoy the beginning of your day is an intimate option for mindfulness and reflection.

5. Moving your body.
Different forms of physical activity can suit different individuals, so finding activities that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle is key. Incorporate movement into your daily routine to reduce stress, enhance mood, improve cognitive function, boost self-esteem, and promote better sleep quality.

Remember – it’s about cultivating habits that work for you. Prioritize your mental well-being, and embrace the power of small, adaptable changes in your daily life.