Mental Health News

Rethinking Habits and Routines

Rethinking Habits and Routines

Social media has begun pushing the idea that morning routines are aesthetic and always productive. There is a pressure to compare what our...

Baby Blues or Something More?

Baby Blues or Something More?

While having a new baby can certainly be a positive experience, filled with joy and excitement, it’s also normal for this period to be clouded...

Rethinking Self-Care Sunday

Rethinking Self-Care Sunday

Though the term “self-care” has become popular in recent years, we seem to have drifted away from its original intention. People tend to...

Coping with End-Of-Summer Grief

Coping with End-Of-Summer Grief

Fall is almost upon us. For many, this is a joyful time, characterized by cozy sweaters, colourful leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes. For...

How to Argue Fairly

How to Argue Fairly

In our previous blog post, Five Tools to Help with Anger Management, we reviewed a few techniques to try if you struggle to tame your temper. ...

Taming Your Fear of Panic Attacks

Taming Your Fear of Panic Attacks

A panic attack is defined as a sudden rush of intense fear or discomfort. Panic attacks are accompanied by at least four physical symptoms,...